Tia Mining Engineering and supplies has been created in 1988 as a service company to the mining industry in DRC.

At that time few products were supplied from South Africa to DRC. The mines were supplied by European manufacturers and traders which lenghten the supply chain delivery time. The language barrier between french and english was also a parameter contributing to difficulties for users to buy from South Africa.

Tia Mining became a link between knwon company such as GE Alstom, Warman Pump, John Crane Packing and others and the mines in DRC such as Gecamine, Miba, Kilomoto. Tia Mining also helped to secure dewatering drilling contract in Kolwezi for Esor Drilling.

Tia Mining has also been active for crusher, apron feeder and milling parts in Mauritania at SNIM. Nowadays Tia Mining is involved in DRC, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Ghana, Mauritania, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt and Irak